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Create your best life



If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind.



 Understanding what you want is the first step to getting it!

 Teri's work with you will incorporate and honor your whole life. She will:

  • Support you as you create and define a purpose-filled life, true to your values.
  • Inspire you to trust your "inner knowing" and intuition.
  • Motivate you to discover what you are truly passionate about, and how you can use it to make a difference. 

As your coach, Teri will support you to take the actions that will make the discovery real.  A coach with heart and compassion, she believes in your full potential, even when you don't.

Teri will challenge you when you need to be challenged, make big requests of you to move you forward, and encourage you by reminding you of who you truly are, especially when you are doubting yourself. She is direct, honest, and fully committed to you.

In addition to helping you meet significant goals and transform challenges, you will discover more about who you really are and what motivates you, learn tools to tranform stress and struggle into effortless movement, and trade in behaviors and beliefs that don't work for you for new ones that do.


Create the Life you deserve

If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and take responsibility for your future, coaching will put you on  track to achieve the goals that matter most to you.  You will have a concise, focused plan for positive, simplified yet significant living.  You'll look and feel better,and have renewed energy and vitality, knowing where you're going and how to get there.
Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.
                                                   Kenichi Ohmae